Archive for the ‘bacon’ Tag

The world crumbles

It’s not always obvious to people that the world is run by a few. No t many.

So within that context the following thoughts may or may not be applicable ….

Why is it that apple crumble doesn’t always crumble, yet sometimes concrete is weaker than chilli sauce

Also, you should subscribe to my YouTube .. all links are somewhere , make the effort stop being such a lazy twat.


Accidents and Food

It’s not often.

Far far in the past, 2 or so years.

Now, I have ended it.


And so, we wait again. 🙂


Exploring Life where
ever it may take me.

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A beautiful conversation

As I sit at my favourite cafe on a lazy Sunday morning, I enjoy a humble breakfast (my diet cheat day) and the quiet surroundings and soft jazz music that lightly caresses my lobes in the background.

Forward of my table sits a mother and daughter.. Both lost deeply in conversation about this or that.. No doubt sharing their viewpoints on the days events or the week gone by.

Gracefully embracing the moment and withholding any obvious outburst of emotion.

That’s them there ( see image above ) forward and to either extreme of my delightfully empty breakfast plate ….

Obviously engulfed in deep conversations..

With someone else lol.

I’ve been sat here for about 45 minutes, they were here when I arrived and I suspect i might leave with them still fully intact in their original upright oblivious-to-eachother positions.

To my direct right sit a couple (an ex couple I discover via their somewhat short tort and demeaning obsverations of each other’s downfalls and features) discussing how they should dispose of mutual belongings and their dog….

I occasionally glance over at them hoping they wi’ll notice me looking at them with my “will you two kindly quieten down or GTFO” glare in my eyes … but no.. so that conversation in futility continues through who the dog likes better and whom has the shittier cloths…

To my left, I delight in a small group of happy sounding people yabbering away with laughter in whatever language they speak.. sounds pretty though.. wish I could understand it .. wonder what their lives are like.. what adventures they have been on or things they’ve seen or food they’ve eaten .. Yea.. it always comes back to food lol.

Wait! Omg! Mother and daughter have just left! What voodoo magic is this .. I didn’t even notice.. maybe they have stealth mode enabled …

Doesn’t matter though because a seriously attractive lady just too their table .. possibly a backpacker by the looks and defiantly foreign.. wonder where she’s from… if she’s waiting for anyone.. I glance up a few times only to see her, like the previous tenants of that table, also deeply lost in conversation with a digital someone … or something .. ah well…

I glance up again to see that she’s ordered a chocolate shake and a very yummy looking cookie… lucky cookie… Lol…. bugger me… lucky straw ….. yeeks …. I must look elsewhere …..

A jogger just went past… nice legs….

This must mean it’s time for me to give up my seat to the next visitor of this fine establishment .

Have a lovely Sunday my bearded beauties and aked faced hotties alike.

Live Natural – Live Fee.

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Police and dog called to arrest suspicious naked man attacked


Even though I find the artical funny… it’s the headline that got me.

Seems the news media these days are employing idiots who can’t use grammar correctly.. not saying I’m any good.. but if I can spot the mistakes then that is saying something. . 

Still. . This is what’s happening.. The dumbing down of news .. manipulation of the facts for a better story or to support whatever agenda is on the go at the time..

Article is still a giggle though. .

Have a beautiful Monday everyone 🙂

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