Archive for the ‘politics’ Tag

Auckland caves in the news by the BBC

Now I grant you, I’d not trust anything the bbc or other bulk owned and controlled mass media have say but they kinda are a bit on point here ..

These caves have been a point of contention for decades within Auckland as some people want them opened up but the council is dead against it..

so many stories about what they were used for during the war v what they could be used for today, tourism etc

The only thing I know for sure is that you can never have enough bacon. 🥓

Prove me wrong

The world crumbles

It’s not always obvious to people that the world is run by a few. No t many.

So within that context the following thoughts may or may not be applicable ….

Why is it that apple crumble doesn’t always crumble, yet sometimes concrete is weaker than chilli sauce

Also, you should subscribe to my YouTube .. all links are somewhere , make the effort stop being such a lazy twat.


Exceptional TikTok entertainment and other pointless news

Actually I’m just testing the updated WP app ..

TikTok is a joke. Most all governments don’t understand technology and a lot by their own admission. However the moment you opt to put pineapple on pizza you become a champion of the universe and should be rewarded .. bite me.

Also, how come your mom looks so hot today ?

BBC News: New Zealand election: Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party scores landslide win

BBC News – New Zealand election: Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party scores landslide win

Just what this country needed… another 3 years of mindless fuckery.

BBC News: Vaccine sceptic Robert F Kennedy Jr says Trump asked him to lead safety study

Vaccine sceptic Robert F Kennedy Jr says Trump asked him to lead safety study –

This shoul be interesting indeed. Though personally I am neither pro nor ani vaccine .. I’ve had a few when I was younger but as an adult have chosen not to continue ..  

It’s well documented that’s America’s CDC, FDA and so on is rife with corrupted and placed business people who become or were politicians and that Big Business has and does dictate policy. Look at Monsanto as an example of how corruption gains you your own laws to protect you from being sued. ( Americans can thanks Obama for signing that stupidity into law ) ..

Though reading this article, it is worded carefully and appears to me that it’s done so asto not rock the boat … but make a clear statement that possibly Trump might be out to sort some of this sort. ..

It’s hard call as I’m not really invested in American politics .. or any politics for that matter.. but just as an outside observer .. I ponder upon the possibility that maybe .. just maybe .. trump might have some morals and that having and actual businessman who’s proven in business might be the right move for how a country should be run.. or by whom .   
Thoughts ?  I’d love to hear them .. leave a comment and let’s start a discussion. 

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BBC News: Donald Trump: 30 things the president-elect believes

Donald Trump: 30 things the president-elect believes –

And so the Muppet Show begins…. or at least continues lol 

About time I made some more videos isn’t it lol 🙂

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