Archive for the ‘lazy’ Tag

The world crumbles

It’s not always obvious to people that the world is run by a few. No t many.

So within that context the following thoughts may or may not be applicable ….

Why is it that apple crumble doesn’t always crumble, yet sometimes concrete is weaker than chilli sauce

Also, you should subscribe to my YouTube .. all links are somewhere , make the effort stop being such a lazy twat.


Maori dislike of Asian immigration deepens

In my opinion. .. those select few Maori who were involved in this poll need to do the following  ( btw not just Maori but anyone who thinks this way) … GET OFF YOUR ELFIN LAZY ARSE STOP EXPECTING THAT YOU ARE OWED HANDOUTS BY THE GOVERNMENT AND GO EARN A LIVING.

What really annoys me is that many people have become so lazy at the hands of the NZ nanny state that they have forgotten about values and work.

Even back when I was at high school.i remember doing the census for the first time and having friends of mine say if they list themselves as natives of NZ (which btw Maori are not) thrn they can get government handouts and not have to work. That was back in the 80s. 

That attitude still exists today.
In all races.. not just Maori. Sadly.

wonder who I have offended ?
You’ll live.. get over yourself. 🙂

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