Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

BBC News: Covid: Over 100 Paris restaurant diners fined for violating rules

BBC News – Covid: Over 100 Paris restaurant diners fined for violating rules

Hahahahaha bbbuuuhahhahahahahahaha


I mean…


I knew some people were genuine supid.. but this… sums it up nicely when you as wjy Europe is in such a mess..

Ok well no doubt this can happen (and probably does) in other countries and cities around the world…

Infact i have no doubts at all that it hapoens right here in New Zealand too.

But damn people.. lets not keep fucking this thing up.

Stop it! Cause i wana travel again before i die lol.


Exploring Life where
ever it may take me.

IG : asylumimages
YT : Z3bra
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Did you know I cook ?

Not well, but hey.

follow my youtube… there’s lots more to explore 🙂


Exploring Life where
ever it may take me.
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YT : Z3bra – you’re already here 😛
Thanks for being awesome

beardlife, beardyman, beardyman nz, travel, soulfood, food, photography, photographer, myfoot, auckland, new zealand, NZ, kiwi

Accidents and Food

It’s not often.

Far far in the past, 2 or so years.

Now, I have ended it.


And so, we wait again. 🙂


Exploring Life where
ever it may take me.

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IG : @asylumimages
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YT : Z3bra
Thanks for being awesome
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Thought of the Morning…


Eating is good.

Eating creates poop.

Poop is good.

Unless you’re one of those climet change extremists…

In which case…

Don’t eat.

Problem solved.

Now I shall eat 😁👍🏻🍗

Can lab meat feed — and save — the world? | The Japan Times

Well here’s some food for thought, something to chew over, talk about with people in a meeting, .. Oh ok enough with the painful puns lol

After what I saw in America last week, would be an advantage. Subscribe to my YouTube as I’ll be uploading my Vlogs in the next few days, there’s some footage and references in there ‘re meat farming and it’s end results.

For now though, let’s pretend that Neww Zealand is actually Clean and Green (even though we all know it’s not).

BBC News: The compelling case for working a lot less

The compelling case for working a lot less –

Oh …. I’m all for working less, living more and possibly consuming a lot more ice cream …

Not sure if the ice cream thing is actually such a good idea 😁